
Sounds interesting string quartet provides a range of services, from our core activity of providing music for weddings, music for celebrations – birthdays, anniversaries and corporate events and launches.

Sounds Interesting String Quartet provides a range of services: weddings, birthdays, anniversaries and corporate events


Pre-Ceremony: Our string quartet playing in the bar or lounge is the perfect background for family and friends to catch up with news before the wedding.

Civil Ceremony or Blessing: Sophisticated Classical music played by Sounds Interesting for a quarter of an hour before the wedding creates the perfect mood waiting the bride’s Grand Entrance! Music for the entry of the bride, signing of the register, and for the exit of the bridal couple is provided. Sounds Interesting has a wide range of non-religious wedding music to choose from. Anne will help with your music choices.

The Drinks Reception and Photographs: Sounds Interesting play indoors or out, weather permitting, and move swiftly between the two as the weather changes! We usually play from our Popular and Contemporary repertoire for the drinks reception, including lighter music choices.

The Wedding Breakfast: The string quartet provides perfect background to meal time conversations, and means your guests have soothing music to listen to as they enjoy eating.

Church Weddings: Sounds Interesting play for twenty minutes before the wedding ceremony to create the perfect atmosphere in church as friends and family gather. We then play for the bride’s entrance, during the signing of the register and the exit of the couple. We are happy to accompany hymns, and Anne Tupling can liaise with the organist over choice of music if you wish.

Corporate Events

From an international conference of engineers at Nottingham Castle to Mercedes Benz ‘Drive and Ride’ days at Powis Castle, or the launch of the latest Jaguar at Hatfields, Shrewsbury, Sounds Interesting has an outstanding reputation for corporate entertainment. Their playing provides a sophisticated and stylish background to impress business clients.

“We certainly had a wonderful day, everything was perfect. We don’t believe we could have done it any better. Thanks to you and you colleagues for playing such an important part.”

Sue and Brendan